Francisco Llantén Ortiz is a certified Reiki Master healer and is an official Angel Therapist (ATP), accredited by the world renowned Psychologist and spiritual teacher of angels Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Francisco has worked since 2008 as an energy healer and has professional knowledge in the arts of Energy Healing. Francisco has studied and been certified in various energy healing modalities (Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, Pranic Healing, Golden Light Healing, Angel Healing, Buddho Enersense, Horus Egyptian Reiki, Jin Kei Do Reiki, Satori Reiki and others) and is a Reiki Master accredited by the prestigious International Center for Reiki Training in the United States. He is knowledgeable on chakras, the aura and the energetic levels that make up the physical body. In addition, he has professional studies in biomagnetism and bioenergy that give him knowledge of pathology (of the body's diseases) and physiological knowledge of the body.
Energy Healing (and Reiki) is a complementary-alternative therapy and treatment for physical health recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) and the Ministry of Health of Chile ( and Energy healing aims to promote the physical well-being of the person and assist in a complementary way and in parallel to traditional medicine for the improvement of health in relation to a specific symptom or disease previously agreed with the therapist. It has a wellness effect on the physical level as well as on the spiritual energetic level (aurico-chakras) where the disease was first created. The healing techniques are performed to channel the energy of well-being to the patient through the hands at a distance without direct touch and thus promote a state of relaxation that allows the body to heal. Francisco's energy healing utilizes the positive energy of love and wellness from the universe, the Creator Source God and angels, and serves the function of assisting your body and energy to help return to a state of better health. Additionally, during the first few sessions Francisco points out to the patient the possible spiritual metaphysical causes of the illness to assist in understanding the illness from a spiritual perspective. The service ONLY includes the performance of the healing techniques. The energy healing DOES NOT INCLUDE angel readings or any of the other services offered by Francisco Llantén (such as coaching or psychotherapy).
Healing is only performed for 1 symptom and/or disease as an alternative-complementary treatment. Once healed and concluded the reason for consultation (confirmed by a physician) you can continue with the next symptom and / or disease. Priority should be given to 1 issue to be treated. New patients, in order to be able to schedule the service and start treatment, must sign a service agreement. Recent medical documents are also requested before the first session to corroborate that the patient has an updated medical diagnosis and also indicate that he/she is under medical treatment since energy healing is a complementary treatment and should not be taken by itself.
The number of sessions required is indefinite and depends on each person and their particular disease. Healings are recommended for people who really want to improve their health and who are willing to follow a process with continuous weekly healings in parallel to a medical treatment. It is not recommended to take healings if you are looking for an instant solution or just to try a couple of healings. You can see improvements from the first healing or after several healings, immediately or gradually with incremental improvements for each session as the healing process is unique to each person. The number of healing sessions varies for each person and cannot be estimated or determined in advance. There are patients who have improved symptoms and/or illnesses with only 3 healings, others with 8, others with 15, and others require more than 6 months of continuous weekly treatment. The estimated amount of sessions required varies between is 3 to 6 months minimum of continuous weekly healings, although improvements can begin to be seen in many cases from session 1. Healing treatments for 1 specific physical issue can requiere between 3 to 6 months minimum of treatment (10 packs of healings aprox.) of sessions once a week to see improvements in the treated issue, and in some chronic, acute or severe cases even more than 1 year of weekly treatment. The duration time mentioned above is an average estimate based on past patient experiences, and is NOT a prediction or promise of improvement or guarantee of improvement as each patient has a unique healing process that may take less time or much longer than the average estimate. The number of sessions is indefinite, and it is up to the patient to determine at his or her own discretion how long to perform this treatment. Ideally, treatment should be performed until significant improvement occurs or discharge by a physician, and in the event that the patient abandons treatment before being discharged by the physician, the patient is responsible for the lack of results and improvement due to abandonment of therapy. The treatment officially concludes only when three weeks have passed without the symptom or disease and the patient is medically discharged by a doctor with corroborating improvement or cure.
The healing can also be taken to calm and soothe negative emotions with a focus on emotional stabilization either by intense emotional situations or by feeling heartbroken by a breakup, or caused by a stressful situation among others, to maintain an overall emotional state of peace and well-being. However, the healing for emotional stabilization only has a momentary effect as long as the healing continues to take effect. The healing for emotional stabilization does NOT cure mental disorders or mental illness, for which it is recommended to seek and take psychotherapeutic and/or psychiatric treatment, as the healing does not replace psychological or medical treatment.
Reiki healings are recognized and performed by various traditional hospitals in the United States and around the world, such as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia, Yale New Haven Hospital, Dana-Farber/Harvard Cancer Center, Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, George Washington University Hospital, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, California Pacific Medical Center.
Francisco has performed healings since 2009 for both people and animals (dogs, cats, horses, birds, etc). Some of the human physical illnesses that Francisco has assisted with healing are:
-Colds, bronchitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumonia, respiratory problems, sinusitis, migraines, unexplained physical pain, fibromyalgia, sexually transmitted diseases, hernia in the vertebral commune. - Breast cancer - Skin cancer - Lipomas, Leukemia -Anemia, -Epilepsy, -Cold, -Pulmonia, -Soster herpes, -Vaginal herpes, -Vaginal fungus, -Kidney stones, -Soriasis, -Uterine infection, -Uterine myomas, -Astigmatism and myopia, -Fibromyalgia, -Hypertension, -Reflux, -Heartburn, -Infertility, -Immune Diseases, -Irritable Bowel, -Menier's Disorder (Vertigo), -Persistent Bacteria: Elicobacter Pilori, Echericha colli -Dermatitis and chronic acne, -Alopecia in children and adults, -Chronic Colitis, -Heart disease, -Cardiomyopathy, -Developmental and language disorders in children, -Stuttering, -Psoriasis, -Dissolving cysts in any part of the body (e.g. testicles), -Dissolving nodules in any part of the body (e.g. liver), -Cramps, -Bleeding gums, -Gingivitis, -Chronic pain (back pain, bone pain, joint pain), -Clotting problems, -Stiffness, -Impotence, -Insomnia, -Migraine, -Spasms, -Facial paralysis, -Muscle tear, Tendon rupture, -Post-operative recovery, nervous tics, Tourette's syndrome, urinary incontinence in children and adults, chronic dermatitis, chronic colitis, prevention of diseases, etc.
Pregnant women, babies, children and adults of all ages can take energetic healings.
All Content on this website belongs as intellectual property to Francisco Llantén. The copying, use, alteration or dissemination of this content, on other websites, media or any other form or for any purpose, is prohibited. Copyright Reserved © 2016-2023 Francisco Llanten Ortiz.
Energy Healing. Reiki. Healing with angels. Distant Healing. Remote Healing. Quantum Healing. Holistic Healing. Universal Healing. White Magic Healing. Chakra Cleansing. Aura Cleansing. Spiritual Healing. Divine Healing. Healing of Angels.
Energy Healing (and Reiki) is a complementary-alternative therapy, it is not medical treatment and DOES NOT replace medical, psychiatric, psychohological or pharmacological diagnosis and treatment. Healings must be done in parallel to medical evaluations and medical treatments, and the patient is responsible for compliance or non-compliance with medical indications and treatments. Client must be taking medical, psychiatric and/or psychological diagnosis and treatment and Francisco Llantén reserves the right NOT to offer the healing service in case the clients are not in a medical and/or psychological-psychiatric treatment. The Reiki healing treatment assists in the return to physical well-being as a complementary treatment to medical treatment. Energy healing for emotional stabilization only has a momentary effect as long as the healing continues to take effect (maximum 7 days). The healing for emotional stabilization does NOT cure mental disorders or mental illness, for which it is recommended to seek and take psychotherapeutic and/or psychiatric treatment, as the healing does not replace psychological or medical treatment. The estimated duration time of treatmente mentioned above in this website is an average estimate based on past patient experiences, and is NOT a prediction or promise of improvement or guarantee of improvement as each patient has a unique healing process that may take less time or much longer than the average estimate, and also depends on many factos like the severity, the type of illness, the amount of years with the sickness, the care of the client, etc. The number of sessions is indefinite, and it is up to the patient to determine at his or her own discretion how long to perform this treatment.
Francisco LLantén and are not responsible for the client´s actions and/or lack of actions regarding their physical and mental health because clients are the only responsible of their choices. By visiting this website and/or booking a session you accept the terms in this page, our medical disclaimer and the Privacy, terms and conditions. The client must sign a service agreement accepting these terms before payment of the first session.
The healing session is individual (for 1 person), has a duration of 30 minutes and is done remotely for any country in the world. The session begins at the scheduled time. It is forbidden to record the session. There are no refunds for any reason. The sessions are NOT refundable. In case the patient does not arrive to the scheduled session, by skype, or does not answer the whatsapp messages at the time of healing, the session will be held in the same way remotely even if the patient is not there, and the whatsapp audio report will be sent at the end of the healing. No time changes are made.
The procedure of the sessions is as follows: at the appropriate time for each healing, Francisco will contact you to tell you that he will begin the healing, then perform the healing techniques (without video nor audio), and once finished after approximately 25 minutes will send an audio message on whatsapp with the report of what he saw in the healing and any recommendations he deems necessary (not always send recommendations and sometimes it is just a notice of completion of the healing). For new clients, the first sessions can be conducted in zoom with videocall.
Mary. University Professor and Foundation Director. Took 1 Angel Reading and 2 healing packs to treat pulmonary tuberculosis that did not respond or improve with remedies or medical treatment. (Video Translated in English)
Oriana P. February 3, 2024. She took continuous healing packs for 1 year for her 11 year old son to treat developmental dyspraxia, overactive bladder (involuntary urination and defecation in his clothes) and impaired functional capacity that he had since birth and that did not improve with medical, kinesiological or psycho-pedagogical treatment. (Not translated)
Roxana R. January 11, 2023. Took continuous healing packs for 6 months to treat degenerative osteoarthritis in hands, arms and spine that she had for more than 30 years. (Translated from spanish)
A friend who was healed of her chronic pain with Francisco's sanctions recommended this complementary treatment to me, since for more than 30 years I had been suffering from osteoarthritis pain that did not diminish with the remedies and in the last 5 years even did not allow me to take things with my hands. After the first healing, my pain immediately began to diminish little by little and with each session I saw gradual improvements. By the third month of treatment I had no more pain in my hands or arms and only the lumbar pain remained. After 5 months all my pain disappeared and we did one more month of treatment to make sure that they did not return and the pain did not return. Now I do a lot of things that I had to stop doing because of the pain. I am amazed at Francisco's healing ability and eternally grateful for taking away the burden I had been carrying for 30 years.