I help you achieve your goals and desires through clarity and transcendental awareness in your decision making and empowering you in every step of your journey.

Francisco is a Master Level Life Coach certified by the Certified Life Coach institute accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) of the United States, and considered by Forbes magazine in the year 2023 as one of the best coach training institutes in the world.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential".
Francisco´s purpose as a life coach is becoming a collaborative and co-creating partner with you to turn your dreams and desires into achievable, measurable, action based goals. The aim of this service is to help you achieve your goals and dreams through helping you getting clear in you decision making and strategize a plan with the best steps for you, and also by motivating you to take the necessary steps and empowering through every step of the process till you achieve your goals. The process of achieving your dreams most of the time requires gaining new awareness that Francisco considers key for you to move forward, it requires creating a plan with steps, and taking actions for those steps, but also it might require shifts and turns along the way while you discover what is right for you. This new awareness is guided from Francisco´s holistic perspective of you as a whole body-mind-spirit, helping you to achieve your goals being connected to your heart, mind and soul and bringing purpose, meaning and transcendental awareness.
A life coaching process might require between 3 months (13 sessions) to 1 year (52 sessions) depending on the reason for consulting and the goals and dreams that want to be achieved. It must be conducted once a week to achieve your goal or to maintain it in a consistent way or to address different goals in one or more areas of life.
There is a wide range of topics that can be addressed through life coaching such as: getting a better job, staying motivated making a change in your life, earning more money, getting through and succeeding in a business project, Staying motivated during university studies and projects, finishing important tasks, dealing with personal relationship challenges, getting clarity about important life concerns and decisions, achieving fitness goals, finding a new love relationship, empower you through challenges, going beyond your comfort zone, staying motivated while learning new skills, improving your quality of life, etc.
All Francisco´s services aim to help yous gain new awareness, clarity and transcendental transformation, guided from Francisco´s holistic perspective of you as a whole body-mind-spirit, helping you to achieve your goals being connected to your heart, mind and soul and bringing purpose, meaning and transcendental awareness. Moreover, Francisco provides an attitude of respect, gentleness and kindness through the sessions and provides a sacred safe space for you.
The sessions always consist in a series of tools and coaching questions presented by Francisco to get clarity and tap to wisdom and inspire you and motive you through your process of achieving your goal as it is outlined by the International Coaching Federation. Life Coaching is not counseling nor psychotherapy.
The APA (American Psychological Association) recognizes life coaching as a profession different to psychotherapy and psychology, that requires specific skillsets, and differentiates them in many ways (
-“In therapy, your goal is healing. In coaching, you’re following the trail of dreams. When you see little sparks of interest, excitement or increased energy, that’s where to go.”
-“Coaches use such methods as helping clients verbalize their desires and set goals to achieving them; asking questions to help them overcome obstacles to those goals; and encouraging them to enlist allies for support, she says.”
-“Coaching and therapy clients differ, too, (...) These clients are supposedly “healthier” than traditional therapy clients and seek to attain excellence or extraordinary results in their lives”.
-“Coaches believe clients have innate strengths and can make their own decisions, so they deploy strategies accordingly. These include active listening and asking questions that help people tap their own wisdom and holding the person accountable for what they say they want.”
-“Coaching does not deal extensively with the negative, irrational, or pathological aspects of life; it also tends to be present- and future-oriented, rather than dwelling on the past. In these ways and others, coaching is distinct from therapy, as therapists are trained to directly address mental health concerns and may explore a patient’s emotions, childhood, or other past experiences in a way a coach would not.”
“Unlike therapy, coaching is not reimbursable by insurance.“.
-“ Coaches often do their work by phone, which allows them to work with any client, from anywhere”.
Topics that are NOT addressed or worked on in Coaching and that must be addressed by an accredited psychologist or psychiatrist are: diagnosed or undiagnosed mental or personality disorders or that the client believes they may have, issues related to the past, childhood issues, traumas, cognitive or neurological problems, addictions, abuse issues, learning disabilities, personality problems, emotional discomfort or issues etc.
All Content on this website belongs as intellectual property to Francisco Llantén. The copying, use, alteration or dissemination of this content, on other websites, media or any other form or for any purpose, is prohibited. Copyright Reserved © 2016-2023 Francisco Llanten Ortiz.
This Life Coaching service is NOT psychotherapy, therapy nor counseling and DOES NOT replace medical, psychiatric, psychological or pharmacological diagnosis and treatment. The Life Coaching service must be done in parallel to psychological and/or medical evaluations and medical treatments, and the patient is responsible for compliance or non-compliance with medical indications and treatments. The Client must be receiving medical, psychiatric and/or psychological diagnosis and treatment in case they need it. The Life Coaching service assists the client to gain clarity, strategize plans and motive them to achieve goals. It is recommended to seek and take psychotherapeutic and/or psychiatric treatment in case of emotional problems, since this service does not address or treat those issues. Taking this service DOES NOT promise the improvement of a particular situations or guarantee the achievement of the goal because the client is the only one responsible for their actions and lack of actions in their life. This service is not for giving/receiving suggestions or recommendations on what to do as it is not a mentoring or consulting service, but instead the client is helped through questions to get to their conclusions, understandings and decisions related to the desired outcomes.
Francisco LLantén and are not responsible for the client´s actions and/or lack of actions regarding their life, their physical and mental health because clients are the only responsible of their choices. By visiting this website and/or booking a session you accept the terms in this page, our medical disclaimer and the Privacy, terms and conditions. The client must sign a service agreement accepting these terms before payment of the first session.
The prices shown in this website are only for subjects not related to business projects or money. For business related goals and/or money related goals, the prices are different to the ones shown below and the cost of the session and plan must be evaluated case by case. Consult directly your goal with Francisco for prices.
The Life Coaching session is individual (for 1 person), has a duration of 45 minutes and is done remotely for any country in the world. The session begins at the scheduled time. It is forbidden to record the session. There are no refunds for any reason. The sessions are NOT refundable. In case the client does not arrive to the scheduled session, by skype, or does not answer the whatsapp messages at the time of session, Francisco will wait for you but the session will finish at the corresponding time. sessions Will not be rescheduled in case of absentees.
The session can be held by skype call, whatsapp call or zoom call. The session can be done with only audio or video.
*For business related goals and/or money related goals, the prices are different to the ones shown below and the cost of the session and plan must be evaluated case by case. Consult directly with Francisco*