Francisco Llantén is certified as an ANGEL THERAPY PRACTITIONER (ATP) and ANGEL INTUITIVE (IA), by the world renowned Psychologist and spiritual teacher of angels Doreen Virtue, which allows him to offer and perform Angel Therapy. He is also a Certified Card Reader by HayHouse, one of the most successful publishers of spiritual books created by the world renowned spiritual teacher Louise Hay. Francisco has offered and performed this service for hundreds of people around the world for over 10 years in both English and Spanish. He also holds a ministerial doctorate degree on metaphysics.
Francisco Llantén´s angel reading service provides you a new point of view on the situations of your questions based on the meaning and interpretations of the angel cards but also from a metaphysical and spiritual point of view. These new points of view can help you gain clarity, inspiration, and understanding of your situations so you can align to practical solutions to align to your desires. You can ask about love, relationships, situations, work, opportunities, money, spirituality, questions about the past or the future, or to reveal the truth and the secrets of personal relationships, to see the truth in the hearts and minds of people, understanding of how you have created the experiences of your life, etc.
At the begining of the session, you will receive the names of the archangels that are with you and Francisco will read and interpret the angel cards according to your questions. An Angel Reading can help you understand situations with yourself, your feelings and thoughts and situations with other people, your relationship with them and possible outcomes. Moreover, it helps you be inspired with new options, understanding limitations, being supported by angels, and discovering possible outcomes of situations. This reading can be focused on divination and/or understanding, from spiritual and metaphysical perspective. It can also help for personal and spiritual development.
The angel card reading service is not psychotherapy or treatment, and does not replace mental or physical health services that must be taken with an accredited professional.
You must bring your questions written in a notebook to get the most benefit of the time, since it is not allowed to record or have the cell phone on the table.
All Francisco´s services aim to help yous gain new awareness, clarity and transcendental transformation, guided from Francisco´s holistic perspective of you as a whole body-mind-spirit, helping you to achieve your goals being connected to your heart, mind and soul and bringing purpose, meaning and transcendental awareness. Moreover, Francisco provides an environment of respect, gentleness and loving kindness through the sessions and provides a sacred safe space for you to connect from a mind-body-soul level.
The concept of God presented in an Angel reading is that of a Universal Source, and is not the traditional religious concept of God. Francisco uses the name of Source-Creator, Cosmic Consciousness or Source to refer to God. Francisco Llantén's spiritual-metaphysical vision is based on non-denominational spirituality (he does not teach or belong to any religion or doctrine). Francisco is highly intuitive and is considered to be a very accurate intuitive person by his clients in his card reading service and energy healing service.
All Content on this website belongs as intellectual property to Francisco Llantén. The copying, use, alteration or dissemination of this content, on other websites, media or any other form or for any purpose, is prohibited. Copyright Reserved © 2016-2023 Francisco Llanten Ortiz.
Spirituality. Metaphysics. Oracle Cards. Tarot Cards. Angel reading. Archangel reading. Angel Tarot. Archangel tarot.
This angel reading service is NOT psychotherapy, therapy nor counseling and DOES NOT replace medical, psychiatric, psychohological or pharmacological diagnosis and treatment. The angel card reading service must be done in parallel to psychological and/or medical evaluations and medical treatments, and the patient is responsible for compliance or non-compliance with medical indications and treatments. Client must be taking medical, psychiatric and/or psychological diagnosis and treatment in case they need it. The angel reading service assists the client to see new perspective based on the meaning of the angel cards. It is recommended to seek and take psychotherapeutic and/or psychiatric treatment in case of emotional/mental problems, as this service is not for those issues. Taking this service DOES NOT promise the improvement of a situations or guarantee the improvement because the client is the only responsable for their decisions, actions and lack of actions in their life. This service helps by being presenting to the client new different points of view of the situations so the client can have broader visions and get to their own conclusions, understandings and decisions.
Francisco LLantén and are not responsible for the client´s decisions, actions and/or lack of actions regarding their life, their physical and mental health because clients are the only responsible of their choices. By visiting this website and/or booking a session you accept the conditions and terms presented in this page, our medical disclaimer and the Privacy, terms and conditions.
The Angel reading session is individual (for 1 person), has a duration of 45 minutes and is done remotely for any country in the world. The session begins at the scheduled time. It is forbidden to record the session. There are no refunds for any reason. The sessions are NOT refundable. In case the client does not arrive to the scheduled session, by skype, or does not answer the whatsapp messages at the time of session, Francisco will wait for you but the session will finish at the correspondant time. No time changes are allowed.
The session can be held by skype videocall, whatsapp videocall or zoom videocall.
Carla S. Lawyer. November 7, 2012.
The first Angel Reading I had with Francisco was in January 2014 and since then I decided to have regular sessions and I go 1 or 2 times a month without fail. I love it! The angel reading is so enlightening, motivating and also so loving and sweet, it doesn't compare to any other reading of which I have taken thousands. First year in my life that I feel so happy, free, independent, and above all accompanied by life and angels. This reading changed my life.
Victoria G. Property Manager. May 13, 2015.
My name is Victoria, I am 54 years old. My experience with the angels changed my life, Francisco and the angels told me to put the teachings to the test and I did so, today I feel accompanied by them and everything is easier, I decided to be happy.
Yasna A. Psychiatrist. June 6, 2014.
I think of Francisco with great affection and admiration. He has awakened in me a great curiosity and desire to learn about angels, archangels, ascended masters and the law of attraction; motivated by his teachings. It is surprising to me that after attending each workshop or angel reading I felt wonderful and, furthermore, I had many positive events (among them and the most important, getting pregnant, after looking for it for more than a year). I try to apply what I have learned on a daily basis, to communicate with my angels, to be grateful for everything I have and to keep myself in a state of well-being and peace... And I feel much better.
María W. Industrial Engineer. May 12, 2015.
Having Angel Readings has been a nice experience but also tremendously clarifying since the messages are very accurate and precise, since they indicate the specific steps to follow. It has been very helpful to me in my decision making, since it indicates the easiest way to follow to obtain your wishes.
Javiera R. Airplane stewardess. May 15, 2015.
I must admit that I was reluctant to take the reading because I expected it to be a Catholic or evangelical religious sermon, and I'm not religious at all, but my friends highly recommended it. In the end, the reading was not what I expected, it was fabulous. Francisco teaches from a spiritual vision that is not religious, which allowed me to understand angels in a new way and the changes I needed to make in my life to manifest my dreams. Today, having attended readings with Francisco countless times, I can say that they have had a transformative effect on my life. Everyone tells me that I look happier and younger, and I feel that way. Now my passengers tell me that they feel happy with how I treat them and they always compliment me, something that never happened before the readings. I know it is because of my changes and because of the angels. Thanks Francisco.